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VITAL Innovation Program to Evaluate Mobile App for Diabetes Patients

WellDoc’s BlueStar Offers FDA-Cleared Digital Coaching Program

Highmark Health’s VITAL innovation program will evaluate the BlueStar® mobile app developed by WellDoc®.

BlueStar is a digital health coach that engages with individuals who have type 2 diabetes. It delivers personalized, real-time feedback, as well as diabetes education tailored to meet each patient’s specific needs and appropriate to their care plan. Initially, the app is being offered solely to Highmark members. Testing will be done through Allegheny Health Network, its physicians, and patients who enroll in the app.

“According to the CDC, over 30 million Americans are living with type 2 diabetes,” said Sarah Ahmad, senior vice president of Innovation and Transformation for Highmark Health. “Finding better ways to offer patients support and guidance in the fight against chronic disease is a priority of the VITAL program.

“WellDoc’s BlueStar app is demonstrating promise as a therapy that can help control diabetes, making it well suited for further testing through VITAL, which can help accelerate the adoption of important new technologies, making them available to patients sooner,” she said.

More than 150 patients will participate in the evaluation of BlueStar over a period of six months, ending in December of this year.

For more information on BlueStar, read this press release x.


VITAL supports medical innovations that have commercial approval but do not yet have the widespread adoption of the medical community. With VITAL’s support, tech companies and clinicians can test their care solutions more quickly and in real patient care environments. Insurers are then able to make informed coverage decisions.

