IMPORTANT: Keep Your Provider Directory Information Current to Protect Your Network Status. Learn more

Quarterly Formulary Updates Available Online

We regularly update our prescription drug formularies and related pharmaceutical management procedures. To keep our in-network physicians apprised of these changes, we provide quarterly formulary updates in the form of Special eBulletins.

These Special eBulletins are available online . Additionally, notices are placed on the Provider Resource Center’s Hot Topics page to alert physicians when new quarterly formulary update Special eBulletins are available.

Providers who don’t have internet access or don’t yet have NaviNet® may request paper copies of the formulary updates by calling our Pharmacy area toll-free at 1-800-600-2227.

Pharmaceutical Management Procedures

To learn more about how to use pharmaceutical management procedures — including providing information for exception requests; the process for generic substitutions; and explanations of limits/quotas, therapeutic interchange, and step-therapy protocols — please refer to the Pharmacy Program/Formularies page, which is accessible from the main menu on the Provider Resource Center.

